Study Reveals Air Pollution will Continue to be the Most Dangerous Threat to Human Health

air pollution A benchmark study conducted by EPIC, revealed that air pollution will continue to be the greatest threat to human hAalth on a global scale. EPIC is the acronym for the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, which performs data-driven research to enlighten society’s comprehension of the global crises and their real-world impact on human lives.

What Exactly is a Benchmark Study

The purpose of conducting a benchmark study is to provide basic insights and regular updates to help relevant organizations monitor and compare air quality. That way, they can extend and share continuous advanced improvements not only with each other but for the economic sectors of other regions as well.

The ultimate goal is to carry out strategic outreach and training programs that will prepare the next generations of global energy leaders.

Air Pollution: Its Adverse Impact on Global Human Health

avoiding adverse health effects of air pollutionAccording to numerous studies air pollution is more dangerous to the health and well-being of ordinary people compared to health threats posed by alcohol and smoking. The EPIC benchmark study shows that the perils of air pollution are getting worse in South Asia, which is the global epicenter.

Even if China’s air quality improves, the latest corollary Air Quality Index (AQLI) report indicated that the fine particulate matter polluting the air comes mostly from emissions produced by industrial buildings, machineries and vehicles and even by wildfires. .
Fine particulate matter has been identified by other scientific researches as one of the leading causes of lung disease, cancer, heart disease and strokes.

The World Health Organuzation’s Role in Helping to Globally Reduce Air Pollution

The World Health Organization (WHO) had previously published a guideline to help countries across the world permanently reduce air pollutants. The WHO added that based on data gathered, following the guideline for limiting pollutants could add 2.3 years to the life expectancy of an average person.

However, the report says that despite the dangers posed by air pollution to human health, the amount of financial aid given as a resource to use in confronting the hazards of air pollution, is only a fraction of the amounts set aside for combating infectious diseases.

The EPIC report likewise revealed that while Africa and Asia carry the greatest burden imposed by air pollution, the citizens in those regions do not receive timely and accurate data because some of the countries have the weakest infrastructure in place. It’s also unfortunate that said regions receive only a sliver of the small global philanthropic pie.

Silvija Topić

