Tag: learning space

How Learners And Teachers Benefit From Air Conditioners

classroom learningPlanned outdoor school activities could easily be affected by bad weather conditions, and there’s nothing much teachers could do about it. Classroom or indoor activities, however, isn’t much affected by such weather conditions so the school administration has to ensure that both learners and teachers are provided with a safe, comfortable and conducive teaching-learning space and environment.

The learning space and physical comfort of learners shouldn’t be disregarded as it could affect their performance as well as behavior. For instance, the warmer months could be very uncomfortable, and when learners are uncomfortable, it would be difficult for them to focus on their school work and be productive.

How Air Conditioners Help Learners And Teachers

The quietest through the wall air conditioner could be the solution as provides a better and healthier way to make certain learners, teachers and everyone else in the learning institution are comfortable. So how beneficial are air conditioners in a learning environment?

  • COMFORT. Unbearable high temperatures could be very uncomfortable, especially if the teaching-learning space is limited or is overcrowded. Air conditioners provide a certain level of comfort in the classroom. Although a portable fan could ease this discomfort in the classroom, it is best to have a more stable temperature throughout the school and the day.
  • FOCUS. When we are subjected to high temperatures, our brain may find it difficult to focus on our work or task as it is more fixated on cooling down the body. This would mean that learners won’t be able to have that concentration or focus they need to be productive in school. It is a fact that our brains function better in a comfortable temperature. Hence, it is imperative to ensure learners, children most especially, are provided with the right classroom temperature for them to focus on their school work.
  • AIR QUALITY. Air quality is also a factor to consider if we want learners to be focused and productive. A good air conditioner could provide better air quality needed in the learning space and by the learners as it filters the air clearing pollutants from the environment. This eliminates allergens reducing the risk of allergy attacks putting learners and teachers in better health.
