Learning with Your Kiddos

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Let’s face the fact that even when you were a kid, you never liked homework. So what would you expect from your child? Probably, they are procrastinating finishing it if you would not make interventions from time to time.

As a loving and responsible parent, you only want what is best for your child. And them doing their homework and studying the next lessons are just part of it. The question is, how would you motivate them to do this without looking as if you are forcing them to do something against their will? The very first thing that you should be aware of is to never harass them in ding their homework. Yes as mentioned, it’s understandable that you want your children to keep learning and developing skills for success.

But if doing homework for your child is turning into a nightmare and making you nag and nag and nag, try out the tips discussed in the next paragraphs.

Tip #1. Identify Problems

Is the problem in getting the homework done with your kid something about motivation or is it that, your child is lacking of the necessary abilities and skills to finish the assignment?

Being able to evaluate the problem at hand can help you pinpoint in delivering what the best course of action should be.

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Tip  #2. Set Your Goals

It’s strongly recommended to help your child in setting goals in relation to their homework. Together, try establishing a reward system for doing their homework that’s appropriate to their age. You may start it with chart providing visual documentation of their progress. Of course, that’s just the tip of the ice berg and you can make tweaks as you go along.

Tip #3. Study Smart, not Hard

According to research, it shows that establishing a study routine and surroundings are not facilitating learning. Truth is, it is the alternative study environments that deliver real result. Thus, it is recommended to study in different environment as it forces the mind to make various associations with same material. As a result, it creates a deep mark in the brain allowing children to easily recall what they have studied.

Lukas Faust

