Tag: music revolution

Learning The Impacts Of Changes In The Music Industry

Today, independent artists would need to learn the ins and outs of the music industry today. Unlike decades past, the way music is being distributed to the masses has changed a lot.

How Music Changed Through The Years

The music world has changed a lot in the past 20 years. In addition to the format recorded from vinyl records to 8 tracks, tapes to CDs, and today digital downloads, the entire music industry has revolutionized into something above the very idea of marketing songs.

For several years, music has been developed by a number of major recording companies such as Sony and Universal Records. These companies control the market and the way their music was endorsed to the audience. In most cases, many of us purchased the record at store outlets. DJ mixing history at musicgearblog.com shows that there were more and more people requesting top hits each year.

Record labels invested huge amounts of money making music videos to run on cable channels marketing their most recent act. These huge budgets decreased to a fraction of the previous cost, and musicians often find themselves paying for music videos out from their own money.

Right now, you will find two main record companies and a large number of independent record companies, each competing to push their artists to consumers. The days of record stores are gone, even though a couple of places, like Starbucks and Barnes & Noble, continue to market CDs. The majority of us get a hold of music online or rather watch music videos YouTube for free.

With all the ways to get music for free, the question is how music labels make it through? As outlined by Jeremy Wineberg, owner of Opus Label, it usually comes from the amount of money you have. Major labels do have the cash and the marketing means to push artists to the major music market. Independent labels depend greatly on person to person marketing and social media. Independent artists with less budget must be very innovative in order to make it through. Among the best scenarios would be to have top DJs remix their songs. This step quickly makes it relevant.

Electronic sound has become more of the trend. Writing songs via EDM music significantly increased the individual artists’ fan base. With all the increasing range of outlets providing totally free music audio and video downloads, there is a huge challenge (specifically with those who have small budgets) to bring out music in front of consumers. Anyone can wonder how anyone in the business makes both ends meet. It’s even a wonder where the music industry is heading to in the future.
