Tag: Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering

Educational and Career Paths of High-Paying Computer Engineering Professions

Job opportunities for computer engineers are expected to increase by 2% in the next years and as the field grows, potential earnings will likewise increase. Generally, computer engineering professionals earn high salaries. Based on results of research conducted by Computer Careers dot org, new graduates of a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, earn an average annual salary ranging between $61,000 and $76,000.

Their latest research revealed that here in the US, the annual salaries of regular computer engineers is 106% higher than the average salary of any other technology related job positions. While completing a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering can get you started, taking advanced courses, pursuing a related master’s degree and/or getting certified as a licensed Professional Engineer (PE), can help computer engineers move up to the top of career ladders, and reach full earning potentials of their computer engineering profession.

Mapping Out One’s Computer Engineering Education

A bachelor’s degree in computing engineering will equip you with the disciplines needed in designing, building, implementing and maintaining the software and hardware components of a modern computer, or of a computing system; or of a computer-controlled environment.

When vying for higher paying computer engineering jobs, the next step would be to take additional advanced courses (e.g. mathematics, electrical engineering, robotics, or computer science), as a way to specialize in the field of either computer hardware or computer software engineering.

What Does a Computer Software Engineer Do?

A computer software engineer designs, develops, constructs and tests software that will run as programming support of a computerized system. The programs include operating systems, interface, applications and other related programs that will run on desktops, tablets and/or smartphones.

What Does a Computer Hardware Engineer Do?

A computer hardware engineer designs, constructs, improves, expands, sets up and tests all computer equipment components to make sure that the hardware will work properly with the proprietary computer software.

What Exactly is a Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering

Pursuing a master’s degree in computer engineering focuses on advanced education. Doing so enables computer engineering specialists to tackle complex computing tasks typically assigned to computing professionals with high levels of expertise. A Master’s Degree offers opportunities to learn advanced topics in computing and engineering at high levels.

However there are numerous master’s programs with different concentrations in computer engineering. It’s important therefore to first decide the specific area to master. A master’s degree in computer engineering requires skills in mathematics, physics, quantum physics, aerospace, robotics, network systems or electrical engineering to use in analyzing problems and creating highly advanced computing solutions for high-tech companies.
