Tag: learning

Using Anime in Studying English

Collage of anime shows


Many people want to be able to speak English, but they don’t last in word books and reference books. The most important thing is to continue learning English, but if you don’t have fun, it won’t last easily. That’s why I recommend studying English in anime. So, if you are a fan of Naruto and one who wears Naruto Clothing, this method of learning is ideal for you!

If you choose an anime you’ve seen or your favorite anime, you’ll be able to watch it without getting tired of it, and it’s easy to understand the story. If you’re a little far from learning English or are stuck, why not start by watching anime in English?

This article summarizes the specific steps to learning English in anime, recommended anime, and video services.

Benefits of studying English in children’s anime

The merits of studying English in children’s anime are as follows. Let’s take a look at it in order.

1. Because it is an anime, it is easy to understand the story

Overseas dramas and western-style paintings are made for adults, so the content can be a little complicated, and it can be difficult for beginners to learn English.

That’s why the goal should be to listen to English, but it’s easy to work hard to read subtitles to understand the story.

In that respect, anime is often made for kids, so the story is simple and easy to understand.

Also, if it is an anime that you have seen once, you can watch it while understanding the rough contents.

In this way, it is easy to understand the contents of anime, so it is easy to focus only on English.

2. If it is an anime that you are interested in, you can enjoy learning

I think there are some animes that everyone liked as a child.

If you look at the anime you liked in English, you can learn with interest, such as “do you express this line this way in English?”.

Japanese anime is often translated overseas, so please look for an English version of your favorite anime.

3. Learn the expression of everyday conversation

By studying English through anime, you can learn phrases and words necessary for everyday conversation that cannot be learned in school textbooks.

To know the expression of everyday conversation, let’s choose an anime with as many daily scenes as possible.

You will naturally learn how to talk with close people such as family and friends, find the right words for teachers and bosses, and the names of things you see every day in your life.

It helps you understand when your character’s facial expressions and tone of voice are in English.

4. Learn in a good time

Anime is often about 20 to 30 minutes per episode, so you can learn it in a sukima time.

If you use the video distribution service app, you can download your favorite anime and watch it anytime, anywhere on your smartphone.

Since you can study while enjoying the story, you will hardly feel the pressure of “I have to study”.

If you don’t feel like opening text in general English reference books, please use anime.

Let’s study happily using the free time, such as while commuting to work, eating, or before going to bed.


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5 ways to learn English in anime

1. Watch anime without subtitles

First of all, let’s watch the anime only with English audio without subtitles.

Rather than enjoying anime, the key is to focus on whether you can hear English.

Even though it is for children, some things can not be heard even in simple words unless you know the pronunciation rules particular to English.

Don’t worry if you can’t hear everything, so try to be as focused as possible.

Although it is an anime, it is recommended to separate the time moderately because it will be tiring if you concentrate on watching it for a long time.

2. Listening with English subtitles

When you’re done watching with just audio, let’s watch it with English subtitles.

Then, there is a discovery that “s” of the three-unit is missing or the article is missing even in the place thought that it was able to be heard.

I also discover that despite the very simple phrasing, I didn’t know the liaison (a pronunciation rule unique to English) but couldn’t catch it.

By checking the subtitles, you can learn about the weaknesses of grammar and listening that were not understood only by listening.

Please refer to the following article because we explain how to study listening if you can’t listen easily.

3. Write words you didn’t understand when watching

If English subtitles are turned on, you can check words and expressions that could not be heard by the audio.

If you write down words you don’t know or use in your notebook on the spot, you’ll be able to learn more.

You can’t remember just writing it once, so it’s important to say it over and over again and look back regularly to memorize it.

In addition, it is recommended because it becomes more settled in the memory if you consciously use it in actual conversation.

4. Repeat expressions you think you can use

I take notes of the expressions I thought could be used in the anime and look back at the scene many times.

After that, let’s imitate the line in the same way as if it had become a role.

The important thing here is to imitate it with the awareness that you use it as it is, just like intonation and tone.

If you output it in online English and conversation, it is easier to settle as your vocabulary.

5. Watch the same story again after a few weeks.

Let’s see the same story again in a few weeks.

Are there more words and phrases you can hear than when you first saw them?

If it doesn’t change much, you’re learning the first time, or you’re too free before the second viewing.

According to the oblivion curve of ebbing house, the appropriate review timing is within 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, so it is recommended to watch again within a month.

In addition, by providing opportunities for output daily, awareness of input is also improved.

To establish the learning content more reliably, let’s actively output using online English conversation, etc.

