Make The Students ‘Learn From Their Own Mistakes’ By Giving Them DIY Activities In Class

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Teachers and educators have been figuring out new ways to apply in their teaching techniques so that their students will get to participate more during class discussions. It is sort of a given that students find their lessons inside the classroom somewhat boring, so they tend to fall asleep once in a while, or worse, do something else that disrupts the flow of discussion. Over the years, the way teachers deliver the lesson to the students became more interactive, from having group activities in class to off-campus learning experience.

However, at the end of the day, the students must be able to truly understand what their teachers have been teaching them since day one. The teaching techniques or gimmicks do not really matter that much, although being more creative is a plus to make things more interesting in the eyes and ears of the students. Thankfully, there is a new method of teaching being employed in most secondary schools in the United States. So far, the results have been very promising. Take a look at what is happening in a maker learning class.

The Effectiveness Of The Maker Learning Approach In Teaching The Students

Some teachers have loosen up their ways inside the classroom in hopes that their students will be more cooperative during class activities. Some even allowed their students to use their mobile phones during discussions. Sure, we can learn everything online nowadays with the power of the Internet, but in the case of the students’ learning, this method often dissuades the students to focus on the important tasks. Enter the maker learning approach.

The maker movement have become increasingly popular among the K-12 schools in the United States. The so-called maker learning is based on the concept of engaging the students to learn by encouraging them through interest-driven problem solving and hands-on activities. In simpler terms, this is a type of learning inside schools wherein the students learn new things by doing them. This kind of method surely prevents the students from doing activities not related to the class discussion, including checking out the ownage prank call app.

In maker learning, the students begin their new experience in a collaborative space called the makerspace, wherein they can identify the problem given to them and come up with an invention to solve the problem. They can make prototypes and keep on tinkering until their masterpiece is finally done. This can be treated as a do-it-yourself education technique that drives the student to learn by themselves through trial-and-error. By learning from their mistakes, students are able to refine their thoughs and ideas.

The good thing here in this kind of setup is that the focus is on the student’s learning. There must be no issue on how the educator is able to teach or deliver the lessons to the students, as the activities themselves are the ones to present the lessons. Maker education also addresses the problem of students losing their interest in learning with the traditional teaching styles being done in schools today. For one, students find interest in video games, so it would be a great idea to let the students themselves create their own video games while learning all the concepts behind it.

Kristian Dreher

