
Determining The Students’ Potential More Efficiently Through Other Means

Casopis InterFON is a blogging site dedicated to bring you the latest information about the state of our country’s education system. Expect to receive helpful tips on how we can ensure the students’ high quality of learning inside their schools, plus other ways in which we can help the government to protect the welfare of our children.

There are many rooms for improvement when it comes to the education system in the United States. For now, there are groups who are suggesting new ways to help the students in school, although some are still quite skeptical about these because they stray from the traditional teaching methods. Micro-credentials, for example, are being seen as an easier and less expensive technique to give students proper education, even outside the confines of the campus.

Micro-credentials, also known as digital badges or nanodegrees, are mini-qualifications that demonstrate a student’s knowledge or skills in a particular field of study. This is quite different from the usual college degrees that are available after high school, which require studying a range of different subjects over a four or five-year span. Micro-credentials are earned through short, targeted educational offerings that focus on specific skills. They can be taken usually through an online course and sometimes, interested students can take them for free.

Micro-credentials can be a proof that students have already mastered a set of skills, which they can use in their livelihood. However, they are not guarantee to help the students get their dream job after obtaining the credentials as employers have different opinion on the matter.